Why international development cooperation

Working together for a better world

International development cooperation fosters peace and security across the world. It fights inequality, hunger and poverty. It protects the climate. Development cooperation focuses on education and decent work. It creates opportunities for people in poorer countries and, at the same time, improves the lives of people in Germany.

  • Dispelling thirst, not people Internal link

    Ending hunger and achieving food security is not just a matter of basic humanity. It is the key to peace and justice. Hunger is at the root of many armed conflicts. Drought and floods, resulting from climate change, are presenting new challenges for world food security. Through development cooperation, agriculture can be made more resilient to climate change. That secures livelihoods and alleviates the root causes of forced displacement.

    Standbild aus dem BMZ-Video "Durst vertreiben, nicht Menschen"
  • The best route out of poverty? The daily walk to school! Internal link

    Education is the best tool for fighting poverty. Yet many of the world’s children don’t get the chance to go to school. Countries need a well-educated population, however, as the basis for economic growth, social development and trade. That is why German development cooperation is focused on free access to education for all and supporting training for teachers.

    Standbild aus dem BMZ-Video "Der beste Weg aus der Armut? Der tägliche Weg in die Schule!"
  • Peace can be harvested Internal link

    Inequality, hunger and poverty are a breeding ground for conflict. They force many people to leave their homes and embark on the risky journey to seek refuge elsewhere. Development cooperation tackles the root causes of forced displacement and creates opportunities that will enable people to stay. The focus is on improving education and health services, promoting gender equality and strengthening democracy. In this way, development cooperation paves the way towards a more peaceful and less crisis-prone world.

    Standbild aus dem BMZ-Video "Frieden kann man ernten"
  • We can only slow down climate change together Internal link

    Climate change can only be tackled by everyone working together. Making more use of renewable energies globally will enable us to slow global warming. That is why an energy transition, making the shift to more solar and wind power, is an important goal of development cooperation. That is the only way to mitigate climate change at the same time as creating jobs and opportunities for the people in our partner countries and also in Germany.

    Standbild aus dem BMZ-Video "Den Klimawandel bremsen wir nur gemeinsam"

Why international development cooperation

Nobody can solve the world’s crises on their own. It will take international cooperation between people and institutions. Because the things that force people to flee their homes – war and conflict, climate change and its impacts – know no borders. The effects reach as far as Germany. At the same time, Germany itself needs stable partnerships as the basis for a successful economy.

That is why development cooperation is an investment in Germany’s future. Read here about the impact of international development cooperation and how it is improving people’s lives.

Noumoutènè Diarra
Khean Ra
Deda Wayo
Alimata Coulibaly Kindo
Aissatou Garba
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Suma Begum und ihre Tochter

Working together for international development cooperation

Still from the BMZ video "Why we need development cooperation"
Why international development cooperation
Why international development cooperation 

Further information

As at: 23/10/2024