Priorities of the German G7 Presidency Ambitious alliances to tackle climate change and loss of biodiversity
Overview of the geothermal power plant Olkaria, Kenya
Together with the United States, the United Kingdom, France and the EU, Germany is already supporting the just transition of the energy sector in South Africa. We are supporting countries that are ambitious about achieving climate neutrality in their efforts to implement policy reforms and we are putting a significant emphasis on climate and biodiversity finance.
Together with our G7 partners we want to scale up existing initiatives so as to create a global shield against climate risks. By promoting climate risk financing instruments we will be contributing towards protecting people against impoverishment and hunger in the wake of climate-related disasters, because the effects of climate change can already be felt today: droughts and flooding are endangering the living environments of many people and leading to failed harvests and famine.
The G7 are working to stop and reverse biodiversity loss, including by working on a global biodiversity framework. In addition, nature-based solutions for adaptation to climate change are to be supported. Indigenous and local communities are especially badly affected but are also important actors. The G7 are therefore pushing for these groups and their role to be more acknowledged, and for them to be included in international processes and agreements.