The 2022 G7 Summit is due to take place from 26 to 28 June 2022 at Schloss Elmau in the Bavarian Alps.
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Group of 7 Germany’s G7 Presidency in 2022: An opportunity for development cooperation
Germany wants to use its Presidency to foster a sustainable planet, healthy lives, investment in a better future and a world that is stronger together. And so, during the German G7 Presidency, the BMZ is pursuing a programme that revolves around achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.
Our focus is on measures that are of particular global urgency and of great importance to the everyday lives of the people in our partner countries.
Under its new government, Germany will not just remain a reliable partner in global development but will also engage even more politically. There is a lot of catching up to do if we are to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. The G7 countries, as the richest in the world, have a special responsibility in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and to climate change. They must show global solidarity with the poorest.
Development policy priorities
Development policy in the G7
Whilst the G7 was originally founded in 1975 as a forum to devise joint solutions for global economic and monetary problems, today it concerns itself with the whole range of topics that make up international politics. It plays an important role as a driver of development policy, mobilises funds for development and focuses public attention on key sectors and cross-cutting issues of development policy.
The G7 member states see themselves as a community of liberal democracies with shared values, standing up jointly for peace, security and self-determination. They are often the ones driving forward topics, such as gender equality or climate action, for which it is sometimes harder to reach a consensus in bigger forums.
As at: 17/06/2022