The digital transformation and development cooperation Promoting fair regulation of the digital economy

Whether we’re shopping online, using social media or looking up directions, we are using and producing data on a daily basis. This data represents the “raw material” of the digital economy and is a prerequisite for the use of artificial intelligence, as well as forming the basis of numerous business models.

Political actors need data to help them make informed decisions – for example in the area of urban planning, civil protection in emergency scenarios and determining demand for training programmes. Data also helps to verify whether the measures implemented have achieved the desired results.

There is an imbalance in the international data market between countries that already collect and analyse large amounts of data and those that lack the necessary digital infrastructure to do so. To promote a fair digital transformation in its partner countries, the BMZ is working to achieve equal internet access for all population groups and to establish a globally integrated data economy. It also offers partner countries advisory services on topics such as data protection, IT security and the regulation of the digital economy – for example via the global network of Digital Transformation Centers.


As at: 28/05/2024