Cooperation in action Toolkit for government services: GovStack

Digital government services can improve access to important information and services in the areas of healthcare, education and social support – or even make these services accessible in the first place. However, government administrations in many countries are unable to provide digital services due to a lack of funds and technical capacity.

Logo: GovStack

The GovStack initiative is driven by various different actors and has developed a “toolkit” that makes it easier for governments to create or modify digital platforms, services and applications. It provides digital building blocks that offer a cost-effective range of interoperable administrative services. These components are made available to administrations as “digital public goods”. Digital public goods are licence-free, and their code is open source, reusable and globally accessible.

In Rwanda, the government is developing new guidelines that place more responsibility on manufacturers of electronic devices for the disposal and recycling of their products. GovStack is being used to expand the Rwandan government’s digital platform in order to be able to monitor production chains.

As at: 28/05/2024