Ukraine Recovery Conference Over 2,000 participants from politics, business, civil society and municipalities expected in Berlin

Joint press release of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal Foreign Office, 7 June 2024 | On 11 and 12 June, Germany and Ukraine are jointly hosting this year’s Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin. More than 2,000 participants from over 60 countries will discuss how to provide even better support for Ukraine’s recovery.

cover co-chairs statement

Co-Chairs’ Statement

by the Governments of Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024

File type PDF | Date of status 06/2024 | File size 129 KB, Pages 4 Pages

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said: “Every day, Ukrainian men and women defend their country against brutal Russian attacks that target the country’s lifelines. Whether in the trenches and barracks, in Parliament, in the workplace or in football clubs: the courage and resilience shown by the Ukrainian people are impressive. They are rebuilding their country stone by stone despite the constant Russian missile attacks. Ukraine, with great determination, is also defending our free European way of life. As it does, we continue to provide Ukraine with extensive support: economic, humanitarian, and political assistance, as well as delivering urgently needed weapons. We are pulling out all the stops so that Ukraine can soon take a seat at the table of the European Union. Because, in addition to our military support, that’s the best protection there is. Together with numerous partners from politics, business, civil society and municipalities, we want to use the Ukraine Recovery Conference to do everything we can to support Ukraine on its path of reform and reconstruction. Our joint message is clear: we stand firmly by Ukraine and are supporting it with all our strength – for as long as it needs us. For a Ukraine in peace and freedom, within our European Union.”

See also
View of Kyiv

German Development Minister Svenja Schulze said: “Even during the current times of war, Ukraine needs to continually rebuild houses, water pipelines, hospitals and power grids. Giving up is not an option. People want to keep on living in their country, and to do so they need electricity, water and a roof over their heads. The Recovery Conference in Berlin sends a strong message of solidarity. Partners from around the world are joining forces to support the recovery of Ukraine. This task is too big to be tackled by governments alone – which is why we are expressly inviting companies, civil society and municipalities to the conference. The conference aims to combine this broad spectrum of activities and channel them in a targeted way towards meeting Ukraine’s short- and long-term recovery needs.”

Further information

By bringing together over 2,000 participants from politics, business, civil society and municipalities, the aim is to facilitate long-term agreements and international initiatives in areas such as business development and training skilled workers. For example, the conference marks the launch of a new initiative for skilled workers, the Skills Alliance for Ukraine, and an alliance for small and medium-sized enterprises. Numerous other cooperation agreements are expected to be signed.

The private sector plays a particularly important role in the recovery process. Over 600 representatives from Ukrainian, German and international companies in sectors such as energy, healthcare, logistics and arms, alongside representatives from municipalities and civil society, will present their work during the event as part of the Recovery Forum. For the first time, the Ukraine Recovery Conference will put an emphasis on social and societal recovery – addressing areas such as education, health and participation – and on the recovery of municipalities and regions. As co-host, Germany is thus introducing a new focus. To ensure Ukraine’s swift accession to the EU, emphasis is also being put on the necessary reforms in Ukraine. In around 30 panels, the participants will explore this wide range of topics under the heading “United in Defence. United in Recovery. Stronger Together.”

The Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin is the third Recovery Conference to take place since Russia began its full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine in 2022. In July 2022 in Lugano, conference participants agreed on the guiding principles for Ukraine’s recovery. These principles state that the recovery process should be reform-focused, transparent, democratic and sustainable. The Ukraine Recovery Conference in London in 2023 focused on mobilising the private sector. In 2025, Italy will organise the conference together with Ukraine. The more than 2,000 conference participants are composed of roughly equal parts of three groups: governments and international organisations, business and civil society, and municipalities and regions. The conference is jointly organised by Germany and Ukraine.

The conference can be followed online here: (External link).