Statement 6 March 2025 Regarding the withdrawal of the United States from the Just Energy Transition Partnerships with Indonesia, South Africa and Viet Nam, Development State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth made the following statement:
“We find this move regrettable. At the same time, we are convinced that the work of the Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) can be continued successfully. The decision to share responsibility between so many partners is now turning out to be very helpful. Since their establishment, the Partnerships have grown. In the case of South Africa, the JETP has reached a higher volume, even without the US, than had been agreed at the outset in 2021. While public funding plays an important role in the JETPs, the mobilisation of private investment is far more important. Such investment flows require a conducive environment and reliable regulations. This is precisely what we are working on together with our JETP partner countries. And in South Africa, this has succeeded: last year, a major reform in the field of energy legislation laid the foundations for a market-led boom in renewable energy. In most cases, renewable energy now comes at a lower cost than fossil energy. If the right environment is in place, the energy transition is an economic success story for all stakeholders.”
Additional information:
The US never was part of the JETP with Senegal.
The International Partners Group (IPG) for South Africa is comprised of the UK (lead), Germany, the EU, France (since the end of 2021), Denmark and the Netherlands (since the end of 2023).
The IPG for Indonesia is comprised of Germany and Japan (co-leads), the EU, France, the UK, Canada, Italy, Denmark and Norway.
The IPG for Viet Nam is comprised of the EU and the UK (co-leads), France, Canada, Italy, Japan, Denmark and Norway.