Addressing climate-related damage Germany provides support for Pakistan's post-flood recovery
State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth speaks at the Pakistan Supporters Conference in Geneva
Flasbarth said, “Pakistan is an example which shows that we do not just engage in abstract debates at climate conferences regarding climate-related damage and the funding needed to address this – we also take practical action when things get serious. Last year, the consequences of climate change left a devastating mark on Pakistan. Terrible heat and drought early in the year were followed by extreme flooding, which completely destroyed parts of the country and robbed millions of people of their livelihoods. This is a crisis with which Pakistan cannot deal on its own. It is crucial that we do not limit our assistance to Pakistan's immediate recovery efforts but also assist Pakistan in adapting better to climate change and putting adaptation on a sustained basis. Together, we want to address this challenge in such a way that there will be less damage, or none at all, when the next climate shock hits.”
In response to the devastating consequences of the flood disaster, the BMZ had already committed about 67 million euros to help Pakistan rebuild key infrastructure and address the social consequences of the disaster. The new funding that was announced today is mainly intended to finance new projects that will assist the country in adapting to climate change. Examples include the construction of rainwater retention basins and drainage systems in order to protect people from flooding in the event of heavy rains.
Pakistan is also one of the “Pathfinder” countries for the Global Shield against Climate Risks that was launched last year under Germany's G7 Presidency. Under the Shield, Pakistan and other developing and emerging economies that are severely affected by climate change will get more systematic protection against climate risks. This also includes the generation of the necessary climate data.
At the conference, State Secretary Flasbarth will have several talks with representatives of the Government of Pakistan regarding the future of the country and of the programme of bilateral cooperation. He will also meet the head of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Achim Steiner, and other representatives of UN agencies that are active in Pakistan.
Pakistan and Germany have been engaged in development cooperation for more than 60 years. Currently, bilateral development cooperation focuses on climate and energy, good governance and social protection, and sustainable economic development and training and employment.