Leadership of the ministry Jochen Flasbarth
Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, you can find more portrait photos of the State Secretary here
Born 4 April 1962 in Duisburg-Rheinhausen, North Rhine-Westphalia
since December 2021
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
2018 to 2021
State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
2013 to 2018
State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
2009 to 2013
President of the German Environment Agency
2003 to 2009
Director-General for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
1994 to 2003
President of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)
1989 to 1994
Head of the editorial office of the Economica publishing house in Bonn
Voluntary involvement
since 2021
Member of the supervisory board of the PD – Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH
since 2017
Chairman of the supervisory board of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE)
since 2016
Member of Agora Verkehrswende
since 2014
Member of the supervisory board of the Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena)
since 2012
Member of Agora Energiewende
2017 to 2018
Managing Director of the Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung mbH (BGZ)
2002 to 2004
Member of the Zukunftsrat (Council for the future) at the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia
2001 to 2003
Member of the Federal Government's Council for Sustainable Development
2000 to 2003
Member of the board of Allianz pro Schiene (Pro Rail Alliance)
1997 to 2003
Chairman of the board of trustees of Stiftung Naturschutzgeschichte (Foundation on the history of nature conservation)
1996 to 1998
Member of the National Committee for Sustainable Development), member of the advisory council to the project „Sustainable Germany“ (Study Commission on Protection of Humanity and the Environment)
1995 to 2003
Member of the main committee/board of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Umweltfragen e.V. (AGU)
1994 to 2003
Member of the supervisory board of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy GmbH, member of the advisory council of B.A.U.M.-Environment-Protection-AG and member of the jury for the Commerzbank/Impulse environment award
1993 to 2003
Member of the ZDF television council
since 1993
Member of the board of trustees of the Michael Otto Foundation for Environmental Protection
1992 to 2003
President of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)
1988 to 2003
Member of the DNR board
Founding board member of Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD, Transport Club Germany)
1985 to 2003
Member of the executive board of the German League for Nature and Environment (DNR)
1980 to 1992
Various functions at NABU, including federal chairman of Naturschutzjugend (German Youth Association for the Protection of Nature); later, member and then vice-president of the NABU board
since 1979
Member of the former German Society for the Protection of Birds (DBV), which later became the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)
1983 to 1989
Studied economics, political science and philosophy in Münster and Bonn graduating with a degree in economics