Vocational school in Ethiopia
Copyright© Thomas Imo/photothek.net
Partners in Transformation Cooperation with chambers and business associations
The BMZ supports initiatives aimed at promoting a social market economy and fostering the establishment of organisational structures. In these partnerships, German business associations work, for example, with chambers of commerce or business associations in the partner countries of the BMZ.
Such cooperation can be helpful in reducing red tape and in supporting the fight against corruption. Thanks to the creation of networks that provide members with information and represent their interests to outsiders, companies can boost their competitiveness and workers are better able to claim their rights.
In January 2024, the Chamber and Association Partnership Programme (KVP), the Vocational Education and Training Partnerships Programme (BBP) and the Trade Union Partnerships Programme (External link) were subsumed under the Chambers and Associations section of the Partners in Transformation Programme. This allows the BMZ to mobilise the experience and expertise of German chambers and associations and harness them for German development cooperation and it provides a platform for direct cooperation with non-governmental players and for linking up with private-sector initiatives.
Both the development organisation sequa (External link) and the German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (External link) (DSIK) carry out activities in collaboration with chambers and business associations.
Business Scouts for Development
Business Scouts for Development (External link) work at economic institutions both in Germany and abroad. These experts work on behalf of the Agency for Business and Economic Development (AWE) and are the port of call for companies that want to work in developing and emerging economies. They inform them about potentially interesting German development cooperation programmes, help them build networks with prospective business partners worldwide and show them where to find market opportunities. They also work in German Chambers of Commerce Abroad, in delegations of the German private sector and in the offices of German development cooperation.
In Germany, they are involved in business associations, country associations, chambers of industry and commerce, chambers of crafts, foundation organisations and trade unions.
As at: 09/04/2024