General basic education What we do

Teacher at a primary school in Senegal

Teacher at a primary school in Senegal

Teacher at a primary school in Senegal

In SDG 4 of the 2030 Agenda, the international community pledged to give all children and young people access to inclusive and equitable quality education by 2030. Basic education in the broad sense comprises early childhood learning, primary school education, secondary school education and the extracurricular (non-formal) acquisition of basic knowledge and life skills.

Basic education in the broad sense

Early childhood learning

Generic image: Coloured crayons arranged in a straight row on a white background.
Generic image: Coloured crayons arranged in a straight row on a white background.

Early childhood is a phase of fundamental physical, mental, social and emotional development. The foundation stone for lifelong learning and individual development is laid in this phase. Omissions at this stage are difficult to rectify later. They can have severe consequences – not just for the children themselves, but also for societies and the economies as a whole.

Target 4.2. of the 2030 Agenda specifically calls for measures to ensure that “all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.”

According to the 2021/2022 Global Education Monitoring Report only a small number of the countries that were assessed provide free and compulsory preschool programmes. Out of 193 countries 51 have legal provisions for compulsory pre-primary education, 63 have legislation on free pre-primary education.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has made early learning part of its education strategy and is committed to promoting education in all stages. The BMZ’s comprehensive approach integrates measures for early childhood education into extended basic education programmes. Early childhood education is a distinct priority area of Germany’s support in Jordan and Turkey for example.

As at: 08/01/2024