Electricity meter
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Energy efficiency Smarter use of energy
For many countries in the Global South it is a big challenge to meet their growing energy needs. For them, in particular, the principle applies that the more efficiently energy is used, the less additional (power plant) capacities need to be developed and the easier it is to meet needs with renewable energies. In addition, increased energy efficiency also means that less important resources such as raw materials, surface area or water are needed.
German activities
Germany is helping its partner countries to save energy and use it more efficiently. Through development cooperation activities it is helping to promote, for example, the expansion of power grids and substations, the use of district heating and combined heat and power, and more efficient energy use by consumers.
Support is being provided, for instance, for programmes for insulating the walls of buildings and modernising production facilities and processes. Private households are receiving support so that they can replace their open hearths by environmentally-friendly and resource-saving cooking stoves.
Some 20 per cent of the global energy consumed by buildings is for cooling. In the face of climate change this share is likely to increase. That is why Germany, through its development cooperation, is also supporting efforts to improve the energy efficiency of air conditioning units and other cooling devices.
As at: 25/07/2023