A cash-for-work project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Copyright© Michael Gottschalk/photothek.net
Cash for Work The Partnership for Prospects
Iraq, too, is hosting around 285,000 people from Syria (as at June 2024). And Iraq has nearly 1.1 million people who have been internally displaced by attacks carried out by the terrorist organisation calling itself Islamic State (as at December 2023).
The German government is not leaving the people in the region around Syria to cope with these challenges alone. Beyond meeting the immediate basic needs of refugees, it helps refugees and local people through the Partnership for Prospects, an employment drive for the Middle East. The Partnership was launched at the international donor conference for Syria in February 2016. It provides new prospects for people on the ground, thus helping to stabilise host communities.
Objectives and implementation
In 2023, the BMZ committed a total of 162.8 million euros for the Partnership for Prospects.
The funding is channelled through the Special Initiative on Displacement and dedicated to the objectives described below.
In 2023, the Partnership for Prospects created some 63,800 jobs. This means that the programme has benefitted about 283,000 people (workers and their family members).
Thanks to the funding of additional posts for teachers and auxiliary staff, more than 525,000 children are now able to go to school.
Vocational training programmes are being attended by 20,000 people, which gives them employment prospects for the medium term – also with an eye to rebuilding their home countries.
All these activities reduce the pressure on host cities and communities and help to ease tensions in the region.
Moreover, the increased purchasing power created through the additional income and the improved infrastructure strengthen the local economy. Thus, the Partnership for Prospects is in effect a local economic development programme.
As at: 07/08/2024