Peru: Cooperation in action Dialogue processes – a key climate policy instrument
Peru has launched various climate policy initiatives and has improved existing interventions. A High-Level Commission on Climate Change supports the cross-sectoral coordination of Peru's activities, and the country has established a National Registry of Mitigation Measures (External link) (RENAMI) and strengthened cooperation with the private sector. It also intends to achieve emission reductions by means of circular economy interventions and by using the Huella de Carbono Perú tool (External link) to measure the carbon footprint.
In order to achieve a just transition to climate neutrality, it is essential to involve all social groups in climate policymaking. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) therefore supports public consultations on Peru's Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy through its Climate Promise programme (External link). Here, the aim is to strengthen dialogue and cooperation between governmental and non-governmental partners. The programme is receiving support from the BMZ and under the NDC Partnership.
The cooperation has done much to enhance Peru's climate strategy processes. Peru has produced a climate financing strategy. The collaborative approach strengthens climate governance in compliance with Peru's national Framework Law on Climate Change. Dialogue is also encouraged among the ministries responsible for NDC implementation.
Inclusive cooperation – involving Indigenous and regional stakeholders
With support from UNDP's Climate Promise and from the European Union-funded Euroclima+ regional climate change programme and the NDC Partnership's Support Unit, Peru's Environment Ministry has produced a roadmap to support enhanced participation by governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, which was adopted by the national commission on climate change in March 2023. The roadmap provides for workshops to facilitate dialogue between key stakeholders, particularly Indigenous Peoples and regional governments, and supports the development of their climate policy capacities.
4th National Meeting of the Platform of Indigenous Peoples on Climate Change (PIPCC) from 9 to 11 August 2023, focusing on the development of the climate finance strategy and the national position for COP28.
Indigenous groups' efforts to bring influence to bear on climate policy are supported through dialogue formats such as the 4th national conference of the Indigenous Peoples' Platform against Climate Change (PPICC) in August 2023. The event aimed to build the capacities of Indigenous organisations and enable them to participate effectively in the development of the climate financing strategy and the COP negotiating position. The three-day event was attended by 56 female and 36 male representatives of seven national Indigenous organisations.
The regional governments (GORES) are also key stakeholders. Peru’s Climate Week in August 2023 brought together more than 70 representatives of the country's 25 regional governments and the Lima municipal administration. The Climate Week strengthened the regional governments' role in implementing adaptation and mitigation measures aimed at achieving the Nationally Determined Contributions, staged events on climate financing, and created space for dialogue between governmental and non-governmental stakeholders.
Meeting with regional governments (GORES) as part of Peru's Climate Week from 20 to 23 August 2023, focusing on strengthening the role of GORES in the implementation of the NDCs.
All these measures help to ensure that climate policymaking in Peru involves all stakeholder groups and respects their needs and interests. After all, ambitious climate action can only succeed if it has society's backing and contributes to the attainment of development goals – in Peru and worldwide.
Peruvian-German Climate and Development Partnership
The protection of global public goods such as the climate, biodiversity and forests has been a priority area of Germany’s bilateral development cooperation with Peru for many years. In November 2022, Germany and Peru also agreed a Climate and Development Partnership, in which the BMZ – together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) – supports Peru's efforts to implement and update its national climate targets. Dialogue and cooperation with non-governmental stakeholders play a key role in the context of this partnership as well.
As at: 23/10/2024