The Azeba health centre in the Ganta Afeshum district in Ethiopia received reliable power supply through a solar system with the help of EnDev. Since electrification, the staff no longer have to rely on paraffin or torches during the evening hours. The number of births attended by medical staff increased from five per year to over two hundred.
Copyright© GIZ/Dawit Dagnew
Cooperation in action Energising Development: access to energy for millions of people
EnDev (External link) focuses on:
(1) Energy for People
EnDev aims to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people. By the end of 2021, EnDev already provided improved energy for 25.8 million people worldwide and for 30,900 social institutions such as health centres and schools.
(2) Energy for economic development
Building renewable energy markets creates economic opportunities and green jobs, especially in rural areas. By the end of 2021, EnDev enabled around 81,700 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to access modern energy - for example, craftsmen and women now use welding equipment powered by renewable energy.
(3) Energy for the climate
Central to EnDev's work is to contribute to combating climate change – in line with SDG 13 and the Paris Climate Agreement. Therefore, EnDev promotes the transition to clean and renewable technologies and energy sources. In doing so, the project also promotes efficient and climate-friendly cooking. Cooking on improved cookers consumes significantly less firewood or charcoal, while at the same time fewer soot particles and other climate pollutants are released into the air. Thanks to EnDev, 2.55 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents are already saved every year. This is roughly equivalent to the amount of CO2 that 2.55 million beech trees bind in their entire lifetime.
The BMZ is the leading donor alongside the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland. In more than 20 partner countries, EnDev contributes to achieving the climate goals agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement. EnDev works in a results and impact-oriented manner on three continents, with a geographical focus on sub-Saharan Africa.
Researcher at the Centre of Research in Energy and Energy Conservation at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. Here, researchers are testing the energy efficiency of wood-burning stoves.
As at: 20/09/2022