Production of organic dry herbs in Bouarada, Tunisia
Copyright© Thomas Imo/
Sustainable and equitable use of biodiversity Equitable benefit-sharing and conservation of biodiversity for future generations
The transformation of natural ecosystems into agricultural land and the overexploitation and degradation of natural resources are among the main causes of continuing biodiversity loss. In order to still be able to benefit from biodiversity in the future, we must learn to use it in such a way that its long-term existence and stability will not be jeopardised. It is our responsibility to ensure that we will conserve this valuable resource for future generations.
Sustainable, equitable use must be ensured across all sectors of the economy. Agriculture, forestry and fishery are areas where appropriate management systems can make a particularly big difference for biodiversity conservation. But other sectors play an important role as well, for instance tourism, water supply and flood protection. What is vital is that the benefits from using biodiversity be shared equitably and that those in particular will benefit who conserve and protect biological diversity.
The BMZ is assisting more than 50 countries in making production processes across a broad range of industries biodiversity friendly. Support is being provided, for example, to the development of deforestation-free supply chains in Viet Nam, sustainable land management in in Ethiopia, responsible fisheries and coastal resource management in Madagascar, sustainable tourism in Southern Africa, and agroecological farming methods in Mexico.
The BMZ is providing special support to micro entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on the protection of the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
As at: 31/07/2024