Copyright© KfW Group/ZGF, Daniel Rosengren
Supported by the Legacy Landscapes Fund
North Luangwa National Park
Frankfurt Zoological Society has assisted Zambia's national park authority for more than 30 years with regard to park management, including aspects such as eco-monitoring and wildlife counts, repair and maintenance of park infrastructure (buildings, fences, vehicles), and the implementation of the large development programme for local people.
Park administration costs have been rising for several years now. This is due, among other things, to increased investment in alternative income programmes for local communities, higher infrastructure maintenance costs (caused by climate factors), and rising costs resulting from increasing poaching.
The revenue side, by contrast, is characterised by a lack of predictability. Private and public donors typically provide their funding on a short-term basis.
The LLF's core financing for the Park covers some 20 per cent of the total cost on a crisis-proof basis.
As at: 26/01/2023