Employee cleaning a filter basin of a waterworks in Livingstone, Zambia
Copyright© Thomas Trutschel/photothek.net
Core area “Conserving nature and natural resources, protecting life on Earth” Securing water and sanitation for the general population
Diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor hygiene practices weaken an often malnourished population even further. That is why one focus of cooperation is on improving water and sanitation coverage in poorer urban areas and in rural areas. The BMZ is assisting Zambia's water ministry and the municipal water utilities in accomplishing this task, for instance through partnerships with German water utilities, training courses, advisory services and improved networking.
In addition, the BMZ is financing vocational training and upskilling measures in the water and solar industry. With a view to being able to provide future skilled workers with a better vocational training experience, curricula are being reviewed, teachers trained, and training materials and upskilling courses developed.
Video: Sanitation for liveable cities
Sustainable management of water resources
In view of advancing climate change, a particularly important focus of German-Zambian development cooperation is managing Zambia's water resources more sustainably. Water is needed as drinking water, to generate energy, for agriculture, for mining, and for industrial and manufacturing purposes. In order to conserve valuable water resources for the country and the region in the face of climate change, good planning and distribution, sparing and efficient use of water and cooperation between all stakeholders are needed.
The necessary processes are receiving considerable support through German development cooperation. Activities being supported include: developing a national water resources strategy, protecting groundwater and surface water, establishing water user groups, rainwater harvesting by small farmers, and restoring deforested forest land.
Video: Restoring Zambia’s Rivers
As at: 30/10/2023