A young woman with a Somali flag during a demonstration in Marka, Somalia
Copyright© AMISOM/Tobin Jones, via flickr, CC0
Core area “Peaceful and inclusive societies” Preventing conflicts, restoring stability
This includes providing support for building local-level government institutions and for projects concerned with peacebuilding and political participation. A particular focus is on the political, economic and social participation of women and young people. In order to avoid conflict with the local population, communities and government institutions are receiving support for integrating internally displaced persons and refugees returning from abroad.
Better crisis resilience
With measures involving transitional development assistance and with the special initiative “Displaced persons and host countries”, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is helping to increase people’s resilience and enhance and secure the economic basis of their livelihoods. The aim is for people to be better prepared to face current and future crises, and more able to respond effectively.
To this end, closely coordinated projects for food security, education, health and agriculture are being supported in selected rural regions in Somalia. Given the weak state structures, the resilience programmes are being implemented via UN agencies like the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
The high level of population growth and the arrival of large numbers of internally displaced persons and returnees are putting a strain on Somalia’s urban centres. The BMZ is supporting the reconstruction and expansion of urban infrastructure. Funding is being provided, for example, for the construction of roads and drainage systems, for hospitals and health centres, and for expanding drinking water systems and sanitation.
As at: 16/08/2022