Two trainees in metal construction at the Integrated Polytechnical Regional College (IPRC) in Kigali, Rwanda, operate a machine.
Copyright© Ute Grabowsky/
Core area “Sustainable economic development, training and employment” Training skilled workers, creating new jobs
German-Rwandan cooperation in this core area is therefore aimed at creating job opportunities and strengthening the vocational training system.
Support for small and medium-sized enterprises
Most of Rwanda’s companies are unregistered micro companies that are barely competitive and create only very few jobs. That is why Germany is supporting growth and export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and cooperatives in selected value chains, helping them to improve management, make production more efficient, market new products and develop digital solutions.
The level of vocational training achieved by many job seekers in Rwanda does not meet the needs of the labour market. That is why the BMZ is supporting the country in the development of a vocational education and training system that is tailored to the needs of the labour market.
During the COVID-19 pandemic the project was adjusted so as to focus on preserving or restoring jobs. Rwanda’s Private Sector Federation, for instance, received advice on developing new services. Member companies were able to access temporary financial assistance and renegotiate loans more easily. Vocational schools received support in digitalising curricula so that learning could continue even when training facilities were closed.
Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition”
In spring 2019, Rwanda was included in the BMZ's special initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition”.
With the special initiative the BMZ wants to help make business locations in developing countries more attractive for German and European companies. It wants to contribute to developing a successful African “Mittelstand” and, to that end, is promoting job, training and development partnerships between German and African companies. Under the special initiative Germany is providing substantial support for efforts to train skilled workers for vaccine production in Rwanda.
As at: 05/01/2023