Village shops in Rwanda
Copyright© Teach Elun, via flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0
Core area “Peaceful and inclusive societies” More public participation in municipalities
Improving basic services, ensuring participation
Local infrastructure development is being financed through the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA). Funds are being used, for instance, to build schools, markets and bus stations, and to terrace land for growing crops in order to prevent soil erosion. Germany is supporting the Fund through financial cooperation.
Through technical cooperation projects, Germany is helping to improve the capacities of local authorities. The BMZ is promoting government efforts to provide more budget resources for municipalities and is assisting the latter to increase their revenue. In addition, Germany is working with the public administration and with civil society organisations to strengthen public participation in local planning and decision-making processes.
Promoting transparency, increasing revenue
Germany is also actively supporting public finance reforms aimed at increasing the efficiency and transparency of public investment. Rwanda was one of the first countries to join the Addis Tax Initiative. The initiative provides support to the government in its tax and customs reforms, with the long-term aim of increasing the country's tax ratio.
As at: 05/01/2023