Other areas of cooperation Making migration work for development | Good governance
Morocco as a country of origin, transit country and country of destination
As part of a BMZ flagship initiative, existing information points are being developed into centres for jobs, migration and reintegration. They will focus more in future on offering advice and the opportunity to gain qualifications to people interested in regular migration to Germany, the EU and within the local region for training or employment purposes. Close cooperation will be pursued between the centres and other approaches relating to migration for work and education, with the centres helping to bring all these measures together under one roof.
In parallel, the migration governance capacities of the Moroccan partners will be strengthened as needed. The success of this approach is evidenced by the co-financing which the EU is providing and by the plan to roll it out across Europe.
Good governance
Building on progress in regard to good financial governance that has been made under the framework of the reform partnership, support is continuing to be provided for deepening regionalisation, including improved participation opportunities at decentralised levels, and for making progress on environmental and climate governance. This includes efforts in the field of e-governance and digital inclusion.
As at: 10/03/2023