Core area “Peaceful and inclusive societies” Enabling political and social participation

Deficits in meeting the basic needs of the people, a weak administration, economic mismanagement and corruption are among the challenges the Iraqi government is facing. In order to strengthen social cohesion Germany is supporting dialogue processes that bring together the government, civil society and academia.

Harvesting reeds

Harvesting reeds

Harvesting reeds

The implementation of necessary reforms is being hampered by internal political tensions and inadequate involvement of civil society. On behalf of the German Development Ministry GIZ is setting up dialogue formats at the national and local level which involve representatives of the government, of civil society organisations and research. Based on insights and experience from other countries they are to work together to develop ways to improve communication and facilitate political participation. This is to feed into nationwide reform proposals for dialogue and participation.

In addition, selected provincial administrations will be supported in their efforts to improve administrative procedures and align them more with peoples’ needs. Special attention is to be given to socially disadvantaged groups lacking easy access to services.

Support for refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants

The BMZ is continuing its engagement in Iraq for crisis management and reconstruction. The focus is on the situation of refugees, internally displaced persons and the communities hosting them. In all this, the BMZ is working, in particular, to ensure that women are actively and equally involved in peace processes and reconstruction.

With a view to reducing tensions between different population groups, the BMZ is promoting efforts to boost the local economy in Nineveh province which suffered major destruction and restore public social infrastructure. In addition, it is providing financial support to United Nations peacebuilding projects in Iraq, run by, for example, the World Food Programme (WFP), the Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

The centres for migration and development that were set up in Erbil and Baghdad in 2018 and 2019 are being expanded. They not only offer support for returning migrants on issues such as reintegration but also provide information on opportunities for regular migration for the purpose of work and training and offer upskilling programmes.

As at: 07/08/2024