Stone elephant with hibiscus flowers, image of the Hindu deity Ganesha, Jakarta, Indonesia
Copyright© Ute Grabowsky/
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – unity in diversity: this national motto, taken from Sanskrit, which is inscribed on the coat of arms of the Republic of Indonesia, was adopted by the country after it proclaimed its independence in 1945. The Indonesian archipelago is the fourth most populous country in the world. Its roughly 281 million inhabitants belong to about 300 different ethnic groups and, together, speak a total of more than 700 different languages and dialects.
Peaceful transition to democracy
For more than three decades, Indonesia was under the dictatorial rule of President Haji Muhammad Suharto. After major social unrest, he was forced to step down in 1998. Since then, the country has undergone profound political and social change.
Indonesia is now seen as a largely stable democracy and has achieved considerable progress in fighting poverty. There is still potential for further reforms to strengthen the rule of law, increase religious tolerance and improve women’s rights, reduce regional and social disparities, and improve oversight and control over the security forces.
German development cooperation with Indonesia
Indonesia is one of those partners of German development cooperation that – due to their high regional significance and their strong economic performance – play a crucial role in resolving global development issues. Indonesia’s forests are of global importance for biodiversity conservation and climate protection. They are the world’s third largest continuous tropical rainforests after the forests in the Amazon and Congo Basin.
Indonesian-German cooperation focuses on two core areas:
- Climate and energy, just transition
Areas of intervention: renewable energy and energy efficiency; sustainable urban development - Conserving nature and natural resources, protecting life on Earth
Area of intervention: forest conservation
It also promotes vocational training, peace and social cohesion, good governance, health and pandemic response.
Support is also being provided for efforts to develop and expand health insurance coverage and social security systems. The health insurance scheme introduced with German support in 2014 now has more than 223 million members. In addition, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is also supporting Indonesia as an actor in international cooperation in the context of triangular cooperation and South-South cooperation aimed at implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in Indonesia and worldwide.
In September 2024, the BMZ made new commitments of 356 million euros to Indonesia. The commitments consisted of 36 million euros for Technical Cooperation and 320 million euros for Financial Cooperation. 300 million euros of the total funds committed in 2024 will be made available in the form of low-interest loans.
SDG trends for Indonesia
- On track or maintaining SDG achievement
- Moderately improving
- Stagnating
- Decreasing
- Trend information unavailable