Production of towers for wind turbines in Egypt
Copyright© Thomas Imo/photothek
Core area “Climate and energy, just transition” Using wind power, boosting efficiency
A large number of new wind energy plants have recently been constructed along the Red Sea coast and a solar power plant has been completed in Upper Egypt. However, the government itself is now steadily withdrawing from this sector and regards its further expansion as a matter for private industry.
Paving the way for the private sector
So far, the BMZ has been the number one donor of funding for wind and hydro power projects in Egypt. Germany is also advising Egypt on necessary reforms in the energy sector and on implementing energy efficiency programmes.
Following its support for the Zafarana wind farm, which went into operation in 2008, the BMZ has financed a further wind power plant in the Gulf of El Zayt. Its capacity is 200 megawatts, making it one of the largest wind farms on the African continent. The pioneering German development cooperation activities in the wind power sector in Egypt are seen as a means of paving the way for mobilising private sector involvement.
Dialogue platform
Under the BMZ's programme of Technical Cooperation, the Egyptian-German Joint Committee on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (JCEE) has been set up. The JCEE serves as a dialogue platform, providing advice for reform projects in the energy sector. So far, topics covered by the dialogue have included the legal introduction of feed-in tariff systems for wind and solar power, the creation of a market mechanism for trading in eco-power certificates, the development of business models for the use of modern technologies, and the formulation of a national strategy to increase energy efficiency.
Support is also being provided for the Cairo-based Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (External link) (RCREEE ), in which 17 Arab countries are involved.
Sustainable urban development
Sustainable urban development is a further area of intervention for German development cooperation. The main focus here is on poor districts in the Egyptian capital. Some 20 million people live in the Greater Cairo area, more than 60 per cent of them in informal, poorly provisioned settlements with a very high building density, where there is a significant lack of open spaces, social services, access to drinking water, sanitation and waste collection.
View of Cairo
By fostering self-help initiatives, Germany is assisting local residents to develop their own proposals for improving their lives. Together with the public authorities and local people, efforts are being made to improve the drinking water, sanitation and transport infrastructure. Local authorities are receiving support in devising participatory planning instruments in order to produce area development plans in conjunction with civil society.
Waste management sector
There are still major gaps in waste collection and disposal in Egypt. Across the country, only about 60 per cent of waste is collected, with less than 20 per cent being disposed of properly or recycled; fly tipping is widespread. Water resources, soil and air are polluted and there are substantial risks to human and animal health.
Through a national domestic waste management programme, Germany is supporting its Egyptian partners in creating the urgently needed infrastructure for waste disposal and developing the requisite administrative bodies. Working with the European Union and Switzerland, Germany is supporting Egypt in setting up a waste management system that meets needs and ensures cost recovery. A further aim is to create “green” jobs by developing new, decentralised forms of waste collection and recycling.
As at: 23/01/2023