Cielo Gomez, a coffee farmer from El Tablón de Gómez, in the south-east of the Nariño territory in Colombia. Her family has regained land that was illegally occupied as part of the peace process. Through a UN Women project, she has managed to get part of the land registered in her name. Together with other women coffee farmers in the region, she can now build a more economically stable future.

Core area “Peaceful and inclusive societies” Filling the peace deal with life

Colombian-German cooperation focuses on peacebuilding and conflict prevention.

Germany has been supporting the peace process in Colombia since 2008. The 2016 peace agreement explicitly mentions Germany and requests the country to be one of several supporting countries to provide assistance in the field of transitional justice and reconciliation.

Germany is providing technical advice and financial support in this field, for example with regard to the drafting of legislation for victim compensation and land restitution. In addition, the BMZ has been supporting governmental and civil society actors in the field of conflict prevention. In that context, German development cooperation programmes have put a special focus on those regions that have been most affected by violence and poverty. The BMZ also supports the peace mission of the Organization of American States.

In the area of intervention of “Displacement and migration”, the BMZ assists Colombia with regard to the economic and social integration of the approximately three million refugees from Venezuela and the about 6.9 million internally displaced people (figures as at December 2024).

As at: 25/06/2024