A squirrel monkey in Colombia climbs over the stem of a large leafy plant

Core area “Conserving nature and natural resources, protecting life on Earth” Conserving biodiversity and forests

Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. More than half of its area is covered by forests. Some 30 per cent of the land has been made into protected areas. The country therefore has an important role for global climate change mitigation. However, huge areas of forest have been lost over the last 30 years. Germany's cooperation with Colombia is geared towards conserving the country's forests and biodiversity.

The causes of forest loss include increased farming, drug cultivation, illegal logging, and the extraction of mineral resources. Due to a lack of government control, many forest areas have been used as safe havens by guerrilla movements and criminal groups, and as a base from which they can engage in economic activity.

In order to combine environmental protection and peacebuilding, it is therefore vital to develop alternatives to illegal land use that give local people employment and income opportunities and simultaneously protect natural resources. With a view to preventing new conflicts, it will be crucial for environmental authorities and regional governments to ensure close consultation with local stakeholders in all planning and development processes and to take account of the rights of Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. To that end, the BMZ supports the Colombian government at various levels.

German activities

At the 2019 UN climate conference (COP 25) in Madrid, Colombia joined forces with Germany, Norway and the UK to define ambitious targets for lower deforestation rates and sustainable development. Colombia is to be given the requisite support to achieve these targets.

Among other things, Germany is assisting the country in providing financial incentives for local communities to demonstrably reduce deforestation.

Farmers' markets as a "new" marketing model: For the farmers from the remote villages of the Departamento del Meta, it is difficult to market their products - the roads are poor and supermarkets are too far away as sales opportunities. With the support of the regional university, they are looking for new ways to sell their fruit and vegetables more efficiently.

Farmers' markets as a “new” marketing model: For the farmers from the remote villages of the Departamento del Meta, it is difficult to market their products – the roads are poor and supermarkets are too far away as sales opportunities. With the support of the regional university, they are looking for new ways to sell their fruit and vegetables more efficiently.

Farmers' markets as a new marketing model: For the farmers from the remote villages of the Departamento del Meta, it is difficult to market their products – the roads are poor and supermarkets are too far away as sales opportunities. With the support of the regional university, they are looking for new ways to sell their fruit and vegetables more efficiently.

Germany is also supporting the establishment of sustainable agricultural supply chains, the development of agroforestry models for the sustainable production of coffee, cocoa and rubber, and the provision of training for farmers. Efforts are being undertaken to build the capacity of regional environmental institutions, and financing instruments and support programmes are being developed in line with local people's needs.

The BMZ also supports the expansion and management of national parks and the sustainable management of natural resources.

As at: 25/06/2024