Core area “Climate and energy, just transition” Achieving ambitious goals

Colombia is an important partner for Germany in the field of climate and energy policy. Under the Paris Agreement, Colombia substantially revised its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) at the end of 2020, adopting very ambitious new targets. It increased its greenhouse gas emission reduction target for 2030 from 20 per cent to 51 per cent.

Wind turbine in the La Guajira desert in northern Colombia

Wind turbine in the La Guajira desert in northern Colombia

Wind turbine in the La Guajira desert in northern Colombia

The BMZ has been supporting Colombia with regard to achieving its climate goals and with regard to a just transition towards a climate-neutral, socially equitable and gender-responsive society and economy. To that end, Germany has been focusing its development cooperation mainly on the areas of intervention of renewable energy and sustainable urban development.

Activities address sustainable transport, circular economy and waste management, and programmes focusing on renewable energy and improved energy efficiency, especially in cities.

In the past few years, the BMZ has significantly increased the level of German funding dedicated to this sector. In particular, Germany is using reduced-interest loans for its development cooperation in this field, thus making an important contribution towards sustainability in Colombia.

As at: 25/06/2024