Core area “Climate and energy, just transition” Advancing green hydrogen, applying environmental legislation effectively and creating a “green” economy

Economic development, population growth and climate change are putting increasing pressure on Algeria's natural resources. The course for an inclusive green transition has to be set now.

Solar plant in Algeria
Solar plant in Algeria

Supporting the energy transition

See also
• Image symbolising hydrogen (H2): circles in different sizes, each surrounding the chemical molecular formula of hydrogen, H2

In the energy sector, Germany is supporting the transformation from oil-based to renewable generation. Advice on solar and wind parks with regard to tender procedures, construction, and integration into the grid is to enable Algeria to use its enormous potential of renewable energy while at the same time creating new employment opportunities.

This is where the advisory services on how an Algerian hydrogen production could be developed comes in. Germany is supporting Algeria in its efforts to set up a reference plant for the production of green hydrogen and other power-to-X products. In addition, it is providing advice on the development of a national hydrogen strategy; training of green hydrogen experts and support for new business models and investment.

At the municipal level, too, Germany is supporting Algeria’s energy transition: four pilot communities are being supported in their efforts to develop and implement action plans for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

With German support, 30 Algerian communities are working to improve their energy management and thus save energy, emissions and money. This is being done by, for instance, introducing an energy management software that is being made available to all Algerian municipalities.

Projects in the field of environment and climate change

Germany has been supporting Algeria in its climate policy since 2012. This support is rooted in the fact that Algeria is exposed to a high risk of being impacted by the consequences of climate change. At the same time, the country is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions by extracting fossil fuels.

GIZ is currently supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement in Algeria on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in order to contribute to fighting climate change, mitigating emissions and achieving the much-needed adaptation to climate change. Initially this will involve support for developing climate legislation. This way, Algeria wants to restate its binding commitment to national climate goals and contribute ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Adaptation measures are monitored in the forestry, agriculture and water sectors. A low-emission strategy is to be developed in the energy, transport, construction and manufacturing sectors. In addition, the finance ministry is being supported in its efforts to provide national climate finance mechanisms in support of adaptation and mitigation activities. Furthermore, Algerian institutions are given training on applying for international climate finance instruments.

Climate and environmental protection in Algeria is also being advanced by means of digital technologies. One example is the geographical information system which was introduced in the integrated coastal management in Algeria. It is used both for conserving biodiversity along the Mediterranean coast and for managing and designating protected areas.

As at: 28/03/2024